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These are troubling times in the United States of America, which presently stands in mortal peril and may not exist in any meaningful form within six months. After winning the Cold War (and then shrugging and disavowing all the incredibly painful and difficult things necessary for such an outcome), the nation stands at the precipice of complete defeat and annihilation at the hands of our old cold war foe, Russia.  What happened to bring us here? Well, a complete history of the 35 year oligarchic attack on democratic institutions—an assault which was misleadingly called “neoliberalism” to confuse weak-minded supporters of true liberalism–will have to wait for another post. Right now, what is important is that an international cabal of oligarchs (CEOS, billionaires, organized criminals, petty kings, and other plutocrats/neo-feudalists) believe they have won everything and they are on the threshold of putting their stooge, Trump, back in office so that they can bribe him to strip away remaining safeguards, safety nets, and regulations keeping them from their rapacious business goals. 

It is unfortunate that Jamie Diamond and Crown Prince Salmon are so convinced that Trump is their pet monster… because he is not.  As ever, Donald Trump, traitor, rapist, scoundrel, and failed businessman, works directly for Vladimir Putin who believes at best that America should be shattered into a coalition of bankrupt feuding states or, at worst, that all Americans should be killed.  The vile traitorous lickspittle brownshirt, JD Vance (who will probably be Trump’s running mate and whom I despise more than I can say) makes this point with every editorial he writes.  You can read them.  They are about how Russia is a beautiful nation and should be allowed to destroy Europe and how we should abandon our allies and disarm so that Putin can do as he likes.  It is shocking to read such Putin-worshiping garbage from a U.S. Senator (no matter how much money he takes from America’s enemies) and it shows how precipitously we have tumbled without most people even noticing (today’s newspapers are all filled with angry op-eds about what a loser Biden is, in case you thought that Vance and Trump are the only ones eagerly swilling up Russian bribes…er I mean “investments”).

In conclusion, America is in a proxy war with Russia for political hegemony over Earth during the 21st century. Right now we are losing the war because one of our political parties (the one which has traditionally prated most loudly about national defense) is pro-Russian and believes it would be best if we lost this war and were reduced to a permanent vassal state of Russia.  This is, of course, a completely stupid position which most Americans won’t agree with if/when it comes true (the Republican Party did not pay an appropriate price for its similar support of Hitler in the 30s).  It is why Hamas attacked Israel as a birthday gift to Putin (who knew that war in the middle east would shatter the Democrats’ political coalition). It is why Tommy Tuberville was trying to remove effective officers from command of the military (the pro-Putin junta which Tuberville dreams of will require pro-Russian military officers: the present military commanders chafe at orders which nakedly benefit America’s enemies).  It is why America has stood by as Russia has attacked and collapsed pro-American democracies and regimes across Africa.

A vote for Republicans is a vote for the destruction of the United States of America the worldwide end to democracy.  All of the other stuff you see in the newspapers and internet is confusion and Russian propaganda.  If you remember anything this election cycle, remember that a vote for Donald Trump or any of his enablers is really a vote for Vladimir Putin.  

Ye Olde Ferrebeekeeper Archives

May 2024